While prior experience in blockchain is not a must, it is very helpful. Here some useful resources to review before getting started.
Externally Owned Account (EOA) - Obtain an EVM-compatible public and private key pair before attempting to use the Mesh API or SDK. Think of your public and private keys as the username and password of your digital identity, respectively. The public key serves to identify the account owner, much like a username, while the private key must be kept secret and never shared, akin to a password. Together, these keys constitute your externally owned account, enabling you to employ cryptographic primitives for authorization within the mesh network.
RPC - The choice between free and paid RPC (Remote Procedure Call) services depends on your network requirements. For optimal performance, consider subscribing to dedicated RPC services from providers like QuickNode, Infura, or Alchemy. If you're in the testing phase, you can find a selection of free RPCs curated by Chainlist. The current SDK configuration accommodates a range of networks, including Ethereum Mainnet, Arbitrum Mainnet, Avalanche Mainnet, Polygon Mainnet, Base Mainnet, as well as test networks like Mumbai, Fuji, and Sepolia.
Space and Time (SxT) - A valid SxT subscription is optional, but highly required if you are planning to run the Mesh API server on your own infrastructure. Its free to get started.
Updated 2 months ago