Business Objects

The business-objects directory organizes the project's table set into logical categories. Tables are defined in a familiar modeling language called DBML

// defined by business-objects/ToDo.ejs
TABLE <%= schema %>.LISTS {
    id INTEGER
    list VARCHAR(256)

    Indexes {
        (id) [pk, name:"pk"]   
TABLE <%= schema %>.TASKS {
    id INTEGER
    list_id INTEGER
    task VARCHAR(16)
    complete BOOLEAN
    Indexes {
        (id) [pk, name:"pk"]   

The Hardhat sxt-utils environment now has a scope set to the two tables defined as LISTS and TASKS

For example, the following scopes can be set:

  • npx hardhat sxt-utils:{action} --schema <schema> --businessobject ToDo

is the same as

  • npx hardhat sxt-utils:{action} --schema <schema> --table lists,tasks

Individual tables can also be referenced

  • npx hardhat sxt-utils:{action} --schema <schema> --table lists


  • npx hardhat sxt-utils:{action} --schema <schema> --table tasks

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