Contract Details
The Functions Beacon contract address details along with relevant source code hashes can be found below
Functions Beacon v1.0
Chain | Contract Address | Fee | Fee Currency |
Ethereum Mainnet | 0 | ETH | |
Ethereum Sepolia | 0x996C2D45D53C393fC7Eb6E00a3950061F54b26e7 | 0 | ETH |
Base | 0 | ETH | |
Base Sepolia | 0x6c6421ed4543239c2158E67a81B305969E6B5e6c | 0 | ETH |
Arbitrum | 0 | ETH | |
Arbitrum Sepolia | 0 | ETH | |
ZKSync | 0 | ETH | |
ZKSync Sepolia | 0 | ETH | |
Optimism | 0 | ETH | |
Optimism Sepolia | 0 | ETH | |
Polygon | 0 | MATIC | |
Polygon Mumbai | 0 | MATIC | |
Avalanche | 0 | AVAX | |
Avalanche Fuji | 0x082820D4eA515E26eE767b6B8f5fB28B120632dD | 0 | AVAX |
v1.0 Source Code Hashes
Source Code | Description | Hash + Provider URI |
CLEAR Verification Session | Given a user account check the CLEAR API to see if the user has a valid verification session | 0xf36f1c69ba6ab6a642351b6a5d51596cb1d89eeada0c4a3b5e1d3dd024660147 |
Google Maps Location Indexer | Given a latitude and longitude, return a unique Place ID from Google | Coming soon! |
Updated 21 days ago
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