Mesh Identity
Mesh ID is a Decentralized Digital ID for a verified by CLEAR. The solution is viable on all EVM compatible blockchains where the Chainlink Functions Beacon smart contract is live.
Verification Methods
Email Prompt
- Verification session provided by CLEAR sent to directly to you or your customers email
- Completed in CLEAR's secure verification process
Self-Service (SDK)
Customers can self-initiate verification using Mesh SDK
Integrates directly into existing applications
Same CLEAR verification process and blockchain storage
- Hardhat Ethereum development environment
- Web3 wallet with Ethereum Sepoliatestnet tokens
- Basic Solidity knowledge
- Clone the Mesh ID repo here
Mint Mesh ID Verification Session Token
🔑 Source Provider Hash: 0x785d128f550367f74d89ff6c563419d21c05ba79fa2e835f97a11d835d7987d0
🔑 Contract Address (Ethereum Sepolia): 0x272A3A8577d9287a26Fc09e2568288E583F8d545
🔑 Contract Address (Ethereum Mainnet): 0x6a10a68E40b37A45c5314546a7941B6CD69Bea5e
npx hardhat sid:mint --contractaddress 0xD34a7c2c08aca9e97600590835425A8F7Fe614F8 --network ethereumSepolia
npx hardhat sid:getTokenSession --contractaddress 0xD34a7c2c08aca9e97600590835425A8F7Fe614F8 --tokenid <token id> --network ethereumSepolia
Updated 18 days ago