Mesh Serverless
Mesh Serverless is a productivity tool for building Mesh SDK, Space and Time, and Storj into your development workflow
Hardhat is one of the most preferred development frameworks for building on Ethereum. The Mesh Serverless Hardhat project makes use of Ethers.js allowing the runtime environment to mimic the same web3 authorization behavior as browsers.
Clone the GitHub repository for the full ReadMe.
Mesh SDK
CLI shortcuts for interacting with the Mesh API and Mesh SDK smart contract library
Domain - The Domain manager API allows developers to quickly deploy and interact with the Mesh smart contract library. Here you'll find smart contract abstractions for creating auth backends of type Service Accounts, Group Policies, and Credit Thresholds.
Enforcer - The Enforcer API enables users to register and manage their accounts, serving as the attestation endpoint for Proof-of-Policy events. This feature allows token owners to validate their compliance with specific policies, enabling developers to create token-gated experiences tailored to various asset owner categories within the Mesh network.
Virtual NFT - Virtual NFT's (vNFT) are a novel approach to serving dynamic metadata for digital assets on the blockchain. Data resides in Space and Time and the Mesh API reformats the data to common Web3 standard used by OpenSea, Rarible, etc. allowing for the underlying data to be mutable by authorized parties.
Object Store - Storj buckets allocated to specific externally owned accounts. Store files and securely retrieve them from over Mesh API's secure object store proxy using your account.
Instruxi ID and KYC - Powered by CLEAR
SxT Utils
CLI shortcuts for handling repetitive development tasks on Space and Time. SxT Utils takes advantage of your externally owned account to broker the auth connection between your CLI and your SxT cluster.
- Schema - Initiate your local development environment and then create the corresponding schema in your SxT cluster
- Security - Manage your project's table-level biscuits and public keys

- DDL - Create, Update, or Drop tables in your SxT schema
- DML - Insert, Update, or Delete against tables in your SxT schema
- DQL - Query raw SQL or execute Views against your SxT schema

- Stream (Coming soon!) - Configure streaming resources and test the producer schema
Updated 5 months ago